Thiago turns one month!
Look how alert and beautiful he is.
MONDAY - December 1st
Our little Thiago has turned one month old - he weighs 1 pound and 4 ounces. He is the cutest thing ever, although David expressed to me that he is gorgeous. This past week he has done very well; he seems to be more alert and very active in his own small ways (no pun intended). His progress has been a steady one - no big complications. The doctor has started him on the medication for the heart murmur, which he will be on for the next three days. The only vein they could find for the IV that would get the medication over to him was on his head and that is never an easy thing to see or ever want for him :( After that he will get another x-ray to see if the murmur has closed, if not then the next step would be surgery.
PRAYER THIS WEEK: Pray that Thiago's murmur closes with the medication.

His visitors included: His Titi Marina and cousin Judi from NYC who thinks Thiago is hilarious. Isabel and Lori from up north as well swung by and couldn't get over his size and how much smaller he is in person. His Titi Betty and cousin Mary came by and they couldn't stop the tears from flowing - thank you for the gas money and little pillow! :)
I received another touching letter from Mrs. Burd and she says, "I like to think of Thiago as "our little baby" too. He's a very special gift that has touched more lives than you can imagine." Its such an amazing feeling to think our little miracle baby has reached people all over.

was like it was official - this little baby is here! Thank you Yoamys!!
TUESDAY - December 2nd
Thiago didn't do so well last night. We were told that Thiago did not digest his 1:30 a.m. feeding. They immediately gave him an x-ray to make sure his intestines were OK. It showed that they were quite dilated. He was taken off the medication for the murmur, blood cultures were done and once again Thiago will be on antibiotics until results come back. They have taken him off my milk and he is now on IV fluids.
David and I were told constantly in the first week of his life that this would be a roller coaster and it sure is and the thing is that it's not just David and I on this ride.
Please keep him in prayer.
You are right about that honey you guys are not alone. He's got the best parents by his side and the three of you have support coming from so many different places. I pray for better days ahead. Love you!!!
Happy 1 month birthday Thiago!!! What an amazing accomplishment for you!
David & Aixa, you guys are continually in my thoughts.
That's my little sweetheart - always being nosy. Te quiero mucho Thiagito!
Thiago may God continue to bless you and your parents. Thiago is so cute. I can't wait to meet him.
God is able to do all things for those how believe.
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