Preemies like Thiago - born too early - separated from his mother's womb and subjected to noises, lights and constant nurses going in and out of their incubator can lead him to be under great stress. I've been doing a lot of reading and learned that touch is the first sense developed in a fetus and the most influential when it comes to their growth. So its crucial that Thiago gets plenty of loving touch from mami and papi (although David refuses to put his hands in their due to his obsession with germs). The photos you see here is a touch technique that the nurses taught me and the only one I can do for now due to his fragile little body.
My blood results came back as to why my placenta was toxicating both me and Thiago. I supposedly suffer from a blood disorder called Thrombophilia - a disorder that promotes blood clotting in the body. With thrombophilia my body will always tend to form blood clots in the placenta which will interrupt the blood flow that the baby needs. That is why Thiago was not growing or receiving the proper nutrition. From here on I will always have challenging pregnancies, but at least now we know what we need to prepare for. This gene disorder I received from both of my parents and have had it since birth, but was completely unaware of it. This does not mean that Aileen and Heri have it.
1 comment:
Gosh, Thiago has gotten some nostrils on him! No wonder he doesn't need the oxygen machine anymore! jejeje, I love you Thiago.
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