Little Thiago's belly has gone down quite a bit from last night, but still not in the clear from infection - results will be back in a few days. He's slowly looking around - but we want to keep his eyes away from a lot of light. I couldn't help myself from taking a photo of his eyes though :) Thiago officially weighs 14 1/2 ounces (1.5 ounces away from a pound - for those of you that don't know how many ounces are in a pound - like myself) he has lost some serious weight from when he was born. Lets pray to God that he gains a few ounces everyday this week. I was told that he pooped two stinky one's today and of course David takes any opportunity to embarrass me and tells the nurse - "He takes after his mother."
LOL - freakin David...
Awe... he can see his parents now... sigh... i wish i was there!
Those are the smallest most beautiful eyes I have ever seen!!!
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