Its amazing how much happens in a preemies world and our new world within one week. My last update was last Sunday and its been one week since my last update and I don't even know where to start. I started this blog so that I could provide updates instead of responding to a significant amount of emails, text messages and phone calls - but now I am getting constant requests to update the blog (even from Brazil - Hi Erica!) I can't win :) Please keep in mind that I have returned to work

on a full-time basis (check out the flowers they gave me) and between hospital, home, pumping and work I have really no time for anything else except getting ready for it all over again the next day - so please be patient or don't take it personal if I am not calling back or answering phone calls, I just seriously have no time. :)
One more thing: We have not completely cut off all visitors, I am slowly trying to allow the one's who have not yet met Thiago to swing by for 5 minutes and the waiting list is long. So - if you have already met him, please give us some time before you can visit again. I personally have a lot of family in Orlando and even they won't see Thiago until he comes home; This Thanksgiving weekend we have countless family and friends coming from several different states and still the baby needs a break in between visitors.
OFF to some updating: Thiago officially weighs 1 pound and 3 ounces and both David and I have started Kangaroo care with the baby. That is when the baby lays on my chest or David's for 1 to 3 hrs a day. It helps him develop a bit faster and its highly recommended, plus the bonding and feeling of him on your skin is amazing!

During our first kangaroo care I noticed some wet stuff on his head; the IV on his head was leaking, when I looked it was blood and he had blood all over his head, his cheek, my chest and shirt – it was horrible – the nurse began to clean him all up and then she needed to take the IV off and she kind of tore the tape off his head and a patch of his hair came off, then Thiago started to cry for the first time. Then I started to cry - our first kangaroo care came to such a heart breaking end - David and I drove home in silence - the sadness and pain we felt for him was extremely intense.

On a lighter note- during our kangaroo care David and I had a laughing attack after we took the picture on the left – because Thiago is so darn small that we totally missed him – I mean you see his hat - but that is all you see. We laughed so much.
VISITORS: Jessie (flew in from LA) and Matthew stopped by with Rosa and Junior to visit our little one. I have to add that Jessie could not stop talking!! Love you and thank you for the Teddy Bear. My BF Stacey also met Thiago - Thiago loves Stacey; she made sure no one ever gave up hope on him - even the doctors and nurses. My cousin stopped by as well and she told me that Thiago has inspired her. Thats awesome!
PRAYER REQUEST: Thiago is getting another echo (x-ray) done on his heart to see if the murmur has closed a bit or not. As of right now, its a large one. Please pray that it has started to close. The doctor mentioned to me that it seems like it may have closed a bit, but we can't confirm until the x-ray. This can eventually mean surgery for him and that is not what we want.
Thiago also love Titi Madrina and his Abuela sooooooooo much!

Sunday -
November 23rd - Kangaroo Care

Aixa and David, your little boy is your first priority and I just want to tell you that I totally understand if you don't have time to update the blog. Believe me I know your world is turned upside down when a little one comes into your life, not to mention a premie. But it's amazing the energy and strength that we know can only come from God. He is beautiful and praise God he is gaining weight! I can't wait until he comes home and I can finally meet this little guy! Your guys are still in my prayers. Stay strong! <3
Aixa & David,
I am so happy to see that Thiago is doing so well! My thoughts and preyers are with you all. Although I know he will be fine because he is your child and you guys are beauitful and strong parents!
Love, Denise Martinez
Aixa & David,
I am so happy to see that Thiago is doing so well! My thoughts and preyers are with you all. Although I know he will be fine because he is your child and you guys are beauitful and strong parents!
Love, Denise Martinez
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