So much to say - so little time :)
I thought after Thiago got discharged that the blog would kind of come to an end, but it seems like so many of you want your updates, so here it is.
Thiago came home free of any monitors, so that has been a blessing and something each doctor we have taken him to go see has commented on very surprisingly. His eyes are still a bit immature, but the doctor did see a bit of an improvement. We took him to his first pediatric appointment and the staff there came out to see him, because the smallest baby they had seen there was born at 3 pounds and you know our Thiago was less than a pound. So of course, we were gleaming (well at least I was) to have people want to meet our little miracle.
Thiago is really just a very laid back kind-of-baby. He has made our transition to full-time parents quite easy to adjust to - causing me to constantly kiss him. I made a comment to my co-worker (Jenica - Hey girl!) if a baby could be harmed from being kissed too much - LOL. Thiago smiles all the time - leaving me to believe that he is just one happy lad as well. He truly has been a blessing in our lives and I am reminded all the time by looking at him how real the power of prayer is.
Thiago weighs 5 1/2 pounds - he is getting there. His little body is so fabulous - I think he may be model material.
Rodrigo and Thiago (BFF's)
This is Thiago's first morning with us - this is what we woke up to. We immediately put him into bed with us and admired him for hours.
If you have been following the Kaleigh blog, the Freeman's will be on MSNBC live tomorrow. For those that don't know Kaleigh, she was the first preemie I started to read about when Thiago was born and have been following her blog ever since. Kaleigh has been in the NICU for 8 months and has overcome so many hurdles, its almost hard to read about all the things she has been through. I am so happy that her journey along with her parents love and trust in God will touch so many others tomorrow!
giHe's so beautiful! I'm sorry I haven't seen him yet...hopefully soon. I just saw the comment you made. Tyger and Thiago..BFF's. I can't wait to see them play with one another!!!!!!
yay! i've been dying for this; I check it all the time! he's soooo cute! I just freakin love him. God bless him. love you guys!
5 1/2 lbs?!?!?!?! WOW! Really, wow!!!!!! That's SO wonderful! I can't wait to meet him already!
He really is precious and just a good, good boy - a wonderful addition to the family!
What a blessing!! So great to hear good news!! I'm so happy for you guys and hope the best for your new little family. He is so cute Aixa & David! You have every right to be super duper proud!!
Gosh, I can't stop coming back to look at Thiagito's pics. He looks so damn cute in every picture that I can't decide which is my favorite one. I guess the one with the hat Mami knitted for him because it's the one I put as my wallpaper. I can't wait to see him tonight!
This is just unbelievably awesome!!!
I love how you can see how amazing he is progressing...
This is just so wonderful!!!
I am so happy for you & David! And I'm so happy for Thiago!!!
aww... i love that pic with his tongue sticking out. Looks like he is going to have a great sense of humor like his parents! I sent my mom the blog when I saw you on campus that one day and she has been following it ever since. Hope all is well. Best wishes! besos.
I miss him...give him kisses please!
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