Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Photos of Thiago and Mami!

Tio Heri gets down as a photographer with Thiago. He was so precious tonight - his nurse tells me that he is such a good boy and that she thinks he is the cutest thing in the world and of course I concur! I am also proud to announce he gained 39 grams, making him a whopping 442 grams, if he makes it to 454 grams that will make him a one pounder. If everyone continues to pray for him - I am sure he will be just that in a few days.


Unknown said...

Aixa you look great.. and little Thiago .so precious..
I didnt know he could be out of the incubator. thats great he gained some more wgt.
We pray for him to continue to grow and be in good health.
luv titi Betty/kami47

Anonymous said...

Is a joy having baby Thiago in our lives. I look forward every morning to opening this site and seeing his progress. I absolutely love these pictures, Aixa you are radiating happiness and love...I thank our Savior for such a gift.
Love you, Nora

What if I told you said...

I also didn't think he could come out. I love that !!! You both look so beautiful together!!! Go Thiago Go!!! You are an inspiration for all of us!!

Anonymous said...

Awesome! Looking forward to daily updates like this!

Thiago Gabriel Torres said...

Awww - thank you - I love him so much.

Jasmine said...

Thiago is a living testament of God's grace, love and power! I knew he would make it!! He is a true little fighter! GOD bless him always!!!!

Love, Jasmine

Yvie said...

Awe! It's so crazy how tiny he is right now! It's even more crazy to think about how big he will be.... That precious little gem is going to be a grown-ass man one day!!!

I want to party with him! Party freaking hearty! =)