Friday, December 5, 2008

Blood Cultures back and some weight gain.

Thiago’s blood cultures came back negative – they have started his milk feedings again and will gradually work his way back to full feeds in about four days (12cc’s every 3 hrs) His murmur hasn’t budged – unfortunately he was only on the medication for one dose and we can’t expect to see any changes with just one. However, his blood pressure and urine out take are good at this point, so the doctors have decided to look into another chest x-ray next week and take it from there. For now, they will not continue him on the medication; if they do, it won’t be until the x-ray results next week.

He weighs 590 grams (up from 567) we are very excited!! When Thiago hits 908 grams he’ll weigh 2 pounds. When I put it that way – I realize we still have quite a way to go. This journey of ours is definitely difficult and I know we will overcome it – I just can’t wait for it to be a year from now and this all be a distant memory.

I went to visit him the other night and it broke my heart to see his little swollen hand and just looking at the picture now - it still does. David and I feel desperate at times because we can’t rescue him, because regardless of how many times we visit and want the best for him there is no getting around the constant nurses, IV needles, beeping sounds, lights, x-rays, blood cultures and the list goes on and on. I just feel like he should be in the most peaceful and quiet place right now and its the opposite of that.

1 comment:

Aileen said...

Aye pero he looks soooo cute there! God bless your little heart!