Friday, January 30, 2009

Out of the Incubator!

Thiago has transitioned from his incubator to a crib. He doesn't have nothing connected to him - he is just one pure little baby! He had his fourth eye exam and his eyes are a bit irritated in this picture - but look how big he is and what he looks like awake with nothing on his face.


lori said...

Awe, what a little man! I can't wait to hold him!

giraffegirl524 said...

that is wonderful!! i'm so happy for you!!!! he is beautiful!

Heather said...

A true Miracle! Congrats!

Jessica said...

He's just chillin'!

Janni said...

He looks so cute! Christian has that same onsie, it's my favorite! Congrats on the big milestone for Thiago!

yari said...

Praise the LORD!!!!
He looks amazing...I love him!